Virtual and In-Person Counselling & Psychotherapy Services Near Me in Barrie, ON
Self-esteem refers to a person's overall sense of self-worth and value; it is essentially how much you like yourself. Our sense of self starts developing in childhood and is affected by a number of different factors. When someone has a negative self-image, it can impact their daily functioning and really put a damper on life.
Not prioritizing your own needs
Feeling guilty or constantly apologizing
Lack of boundaries
Perfectionism or high self-expectations
Self-critical and self-defeating
Not feeling deserving or worthy of kindness & respect
Afraid to stand up for yourself
Hard time making decisions
You are someone to be proud of​
The first step in improving your self-esteem is digging deep to discover who you are as a person and how you view yourself. Once you are comfortable with exploring your innermost self-views, counselling for improving self-esteem will focus on building confidence, developing self-compassion, and beginning to view yourself in a more positive light. Our supportive team of Barrie therapists specializing in self-esteem are here for you.
Start Your Self-Esteem Therapy in Barrie Today
Gain more confidence and self-worth in just a few quick clicks by booking a free 15-min consult with one of our online or in-person therapists in Barrie and Ontario. We will answer any questions you may have to determine if you'd like to work together and walk you through the counselling process.
Book Your FREE 15-Minute Consultation
Use our booking page to schedule a convenient time to chat with one of our counsellors in Barrie
Talk With One of Our Online or Barrie Therapists
We'll call you on your selected date and time to talk about your self-esteem counselling in Barrie needs
Book a Session Now or Later On
Book your first self-esteem therapy session in Barrie or online with one of our therapists in Barrie or online counsellors