Virtual and In-Person Counselling & Psychotherapy Services Near Me in Barrie, ON
Are you suffering from a stiff neck, pains in your stomach, trouble sleeping or constantly feel pressured and overwhelmed, even by the smallest of tasks? If so, you may be experiencing high levels of stress that are starting to impact your ability to function normally. Stress is a natural reaction to any demand or change in your life and can give us that push or motivation to get the job done. However, when stress is chronic and prolonged, it can take a serious toll on your body, both physically and mentally.
You are experiencing physical symptoms, like headaches, trouble sleeping, chest pain, stomach issues, fatigue, or muscle tension
Basic, routine tasks are overwhelming
You shut down, avoid or procrastinate
You feel unmotivated
You are neglecting self-care
You are in denial about being stressed
Online & In-Person Therapy for Stress Management in Barrie and Ontario
When we are so stressed to the point of it interfering with our daily lives, it is often helpful to take a step back and reflect on what is missing from your life, what has changed, or what you have been neglecting. Managing stress could involve practicing self-care, following a healthy diet or exercise routine, prioritizing tasks and creating small, manageable goals, or developing relaxation coping strategies. Our Barrie therapists specializing in stress management and burnout recovery can help you find your balance and get you back on track towards a more successful, productive and fulfilling life.
Start Stress Management Therapy in Barrie Today!
Let us help you find more balance in your life and stop feeling so overwhelmed. We offer hassle-free online & in-person therapy in Barrie so therapy doesn't have to be another stressor. Book your free 15-min consult online to have your questions answered and determine if you want to work with your chosen therapist in Barrie or online counsellor in Ontario.
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